CO2 Blasting

Cleanpart CO2 blast

CO2 blast is a very selective abrasive technique well suited for semiconductor part cleaning, mostly for non metallic contaminants such as oxides or polymers. It participates to the broad range of Cleanpart technologies developped to efficiently remove contaminants without damaging the substrate.


  • Non-abrasive, nonflammable and nonconductive cleaning method
  • Environmentally friendly: contains no solvents or grit media
  • Cleaning at site without time-consuming disassembly
  • Can be used without damaging electrical or mechanical parts or without creating a potential fire hazard
  • Removes production residues, contaminants, paints, oils and biofilms


  • Soft decontamination of surfaces with both mechanical and thermal effects.

CO2 or dry-ice blasting uses dry ice in the form of solid CO2 pellets that are accelerated at supersonic speeds in a pressurized air stream and directed at a surface in order to clean it.

CO2 blasting works with the kinetic energy of CO2 pellets and thermal shock effect (sublimation of contaminants).

On this basis, Cleanpart offers a proprietary snow-blast process for gentle but nevertheless effective removal of particles and small-scale contamination. The technology is mainly used for cleaning electronic components and/or large-sized units or both.